The Ultimate Black Friday Survival Guide 2016

Dreaded by some, anticipated by many, it’s one of the biggest days in the retail calendar. As this traditionally-American retail extravaganza has well and truly won the attention and wallets of the UK, we thought we’d share some top tips on how you can prepare for Black Friday.

Don’t wait until Friday
While it may be tempting to wait until the big day itself, don’t delay your plans until Friday. With the help of some online research, locate those products you’ve wanted to purchase for a while.

Map your path
Planning your route is key. Write a list of shops you want and what you want to buy there. Plan where your chosen shops are in relation to one another with military precision. And don’t forget to check the opening and closing times – this can determine which shops you go to first and last.

Harness social media
If you are a fan of social media, liking or following brands on their Facebook and Twitter pages could lead to seeing posts about special deals and opportunities. Not just for Black Friday, but all year round.

Eat a hearty breakfast
It’s the morning of the big day and the adrenaline has kicked in, but you can’t run a bargain-hunt if you’re hungry. Eat a good breakfast well in advance and you’ll be physically ready to run to that new oven you’ve been pining for all year. Take snacks and water with you because when it gets to 12pm and your legs are starting to ache, you’ll want to feel replenished.

Know how much you want to spend
Or how much you definitely don’t want to spend…

Find a shopping companion
Find someone whose pace matches yours, as you’ll want to be on a level playing field when it comes to executing your mapped path. After all, two pairs of eyes are better than one.

Dress for purchase success
Leave your coat in the car, or better still, at home. You won’t want to be stumbling round with a bulky jacket, unless you’re in the market for a new one of course. Comfortable clothes and shoes are a must as the day will feel even longer if you’re uncomfortable.

Be patient with shop assistants
They’re only trying their best, and will have had an entire day of requests to find things that may or not be in stock. Don’t shoot the messenger if the Washer Dryer you wanted has gone. Remember it is just one day of shopping; there are 364 other days in the year.

Enjoy it
Despite the chaos, the thrill of finding a bargain or purchasing that product you’ve been waiting for is exciting, so try to enjoy the experience as much as you can.

Shop online
If you’re not keen on entering this retail marathon at all, go online. That way you can shop in your pyjamas and still have full access to unlimited cups of coffee.