Which Kitchen Appliance Could You Not Live Without?
We know the appliances in your home are a key part of everyday daily life, but which one could you absolutely not live without?

They keep your favourite food and drink cool, they do the washing up for you and they save you the effort of scrubbing those stubborn stains out of your lucky top. It’s so difficult to imagine our lives without them! Home appliances are designed to help you save your energy so you can spend more time doing what you really should be doing… enjoying family life.

Based on 9,207 Votes
We asked you which appliance you couldn't live without and at 49% nearly half of you couldn't live without your beloved fridge freezer. 37% of poll-takers told us they couldn’t imagine life without their trusty oven. 9% of you wouldn’t want to get your hands dirty by sacrificing your dishwasher and 5% couldn’t imagine life without warm and cosy tumble-dried clothes.
But what about our blogging friends? We asked four of our favourite bloggers about their life-saving appliance:

For Gill from A Baby On Board, the washing machine is a regular feature in her household:
"Our washing machine is both my worst enemy and my best friend. Who knew that tiny babies could generate so much washing, or that when you have more than one child you’ll never see the bottom of the washing basket? In our house the washing machine is constantly in use and I'm not sure I'd be able to cope without it."

Jen, from Love Chic Living, loves food too much to let go of her fridge freezer
"I think I would have to agree with others and say that I really couldn’t live without my fridge freezer. I love food. And whilst I did consider that the oven might be my first choice, I could use other means of preparation and cooking, so having an abundance of readily available food from the fridge is top priority.
I also have a family, so the convenience and practicality that this appliance brings to my daily life can’t really be measured. I just know that without it, I’d spend most days at the supermarket or local shops buying the food, which, I guess, is how our grandparents did it. Not sure I really want to go back to that way of life!"

With a family of five, Kat from Housewife Confidential couldn't do without a helping hand with the washing up:
"I would cling to every appliance screaming if someone tried to take them away. Given the tough decision to pick just one it would be the dishwasher every time. With a family of five I have neither the time nor the inclination to stand at the sink for hours each day washing up. My dishwasher has stood beside me through the hazy newborn days, family celebrations, festive feasts and more, diligently returning ready-to-use crockery and cutlery with the least effort. I would easily suffer through sitting in the launderette, cooking on the barbecue and never having ice on tap again but don’t take my dishwasher – it's saving my sanity."

And finally, for Jenny Kearney from The Gingerbread House, the washing machine is her trusted assistant:
"I didn't really need to think what appliance I couldn't live without. Although I don't consider myself a domestic goddess, there's no way I could ever consider living without a washing machine. B.C. (before children), my husband and I happily shared clothes-washing duties. 10 years and 2 children later, I find myself chained to the washing machine on a daily basis.
Thank goodness for my reliable washing machine and a sunny day for turning that washing pile around, so there's always clean pants and a favourite blankie when needed."
Life is too fun, hectic and eventful to be spending time washing up, drying clothes, and doing frequent shops to keep food fresh. Which kitchen appliance could you not live without? Don’t see your life-saver here? Let us know on our Facebook page.